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Why Did I Get Married Too? *REVIEW*

When one of my closest girlfriends asked me if I wanted to rent Tyler Perry's 'Why Did I Get Married, Too' and watch it with her, I was totally agreeable to the idea. After all, I have enjoyed many Tyler Perry movies and I thought that WDIGMT would be no different. I do admit that I had grown tired of the Madea series however, I still found his other movies (A Family That Prays, Why Did I Get Married) thought provoking and inspiring so I was more than willing to take a gander.
So, I tucked the kiddies into bed and sat back on my couch with a blanket and pressed the order button on my remote control. Seconds later, I as watching WDIGMT.
The movie starts off with comedic tone, but quickly becomes overbearing and unrealistic. I shift a bit under my blanket, holding out hope for more substance.
Eventually all of the couples from the previous movie reunite and begin their tradition of enjoying a weekend with their spouses and friends to reflect on the titles question; "Why Did I Get Married".
Before I could prepare for it, the movie took a whirlwind of a turn of events. After a random but lovely cameo appearance of Cicely Tyson, much of the movie turned to gobbley-gook soon after. A collected Janet Jackson soon turned into a distraught and manic version of the former. A certain paranoid and insecure spouse crept through her own home with a knife, "thought better of it" and swapped the more primitive weapon for a shiny firearm. The buffoonery doesn't stop here. A homosexual man in booty shorts popping out of a birthday cake, a fatal car accident, explosive temper tantrums, emotional affairs,... the numerous twists and turns of the plot left me dazed and confused.
Among the most absurd moments was Janet Jackson urging all of the other couples to just love one another while her husband lay dying. I found it interesting that all of the couples dismissed their grief immediatly to obey her plea for reconciliation. The result was hugs, kisses and countless I love you's. Lots of Velvetta.
My annoyance reached an all time high at the films ending. The conclusion to this hodge podge mess of a story was one dysfunctional spouse finding delight in the possibility of loving again. The irony in this is hard to ignore as I hated this particular character by the end of the film as I had no way to identify with their situation and I felt that they were being rewarded with an opportunity that they weren't ready for, nor did they deserver.
As for me, the possibilty of enduring another Tyler Perry film in the near future is far from hopeful. Its unlikely.
Why Did I Get Married, Too did not make me ponder my own matrimony but instead caused me to ask myself: Why Did I Watch This Movie?


  1. Aww sheesh...I didn't get to see this yet! I still want to, though, to assess for myself...

    And I need your email address, noticed you deactivated your FB, and I want to keep in touch. =oD

    1. I need to find you on FB. I miss our exchanges.

  2. I posted it in the comment section of one of your blog posts but just in case...



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