We were taking the clothes out of the dryer again. She used to let me help because I liked to. As she stooped to retrieve our garments, she resembled a wilting flower. She was beautiful but she was beginning to droop a bit, no longer the robust mother I remembered. I couldn't remember when exactly she began to look so weathered.
"You going to help me or not?" She clucked sharply. She didn't yell as much as she used to. She just liked to remind me she can.
While folding the clothes, I glanced toward the paintings on the wall. She followed my eyes and quickly returned to her task. Her brow was furrowed, she just wanted to do the laundry.
"Mommy, you ever going to paint again?" I asked.
"I don't know. ...No time." She mumbled as she looked longingly at her artwork displayed on our wall.
This time she stopped folding. She didn't want to fold anymore. She wanted to look at her pictures. Pictures of regal women, tropical paradises, and tranquil streams. I looked at her. My mother, the wilting flower.
She looked at me and smiled. I didn't know at the time that that was the smile you got when someone admits defeat. That was the smile you get when you know you had a season and it was over.It was the grin of resignation. She knew she was never going to paint again. She knew she was a wilting flower. At the time I didn't know. I knew she wasn't the same, but I didn't know she was different. I never knew she gave up, because she never gave up on me. As a child you only pay attention to the love and care you need.
When you're a child, mother's can't wilt...but they do.
I've heard at least a dozen people proclaim their disgust with the success of Donald Trumps Presidential campaign. I'm lying, it's been everywhere. On social media, articles, and conversation you hear plenty people express their disdain at the mere thought of Trump assuming office. Then there are the supporters. There are the people who openly express their support of Trump winning the White House. As time goes on, Trump's position is yet more secured and his supporters are also more secure in showing just how much they love him. It seems now that victory is within their grasp, they can more openly say : I helped make this happen. Those are the cowards. They won't openly defend their candidate but they quietly follow and support him. Those are the people who will say: "well there are some people who support Trump because he says what others won't say." Those people, are talking about themselves. They are far too timid to say what Trump says and he ha...
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