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Saturday Night Live Blasts Trump With Humorous Politics

Saturday Night Live Blasts Trump With Humorous Politics 

It looks like Saturday Night Live has successfully parodied the blatant bigotry that is the Trump Administration. Emmy Award winners Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon assume the roles of Donald Trump and an impish Jeff Sessions that reminded me of a creepy, self conscious hybrid of Sessions and once Independent Presidential Candidate, Ross Perot. 

The writers and the actors come together to create a sketch that's playfully poignant at a time when the unity of the "United" States couldn't be more divided. From Trumps incorrect usage of the word "Despacito" to McKinnon's Sessions begging Trump not to "tweet on me", this sketch allowed me to produce a series of giggles on subject matter that often saddens and angers me. SNL does a great job of addressing the issues while allowing us to make time to crack a smile now and again. 
Baldwin's dedication to his Trump impression is never lost on the viewer. Mannerisms, speech, and unbelievable responses all made the character believable however, it's sad to know that the unbelievable is what prompted this skit. 

The handling of the mass devastation in Puerto Rico has been a source of outrage of many within the nation. When compared with many sufferers of Hurricane Harvey, it seems that relief efforts for the US Territory are simply not a priority at this time. If there were any doubt in that thought, validity of that claim was demonstrated when Trump drew attention to the pre-existing monetary woes of the island rather than seeking solutions to the citizens who are both impoverished and famished. 
It's hard not to think of the abundance of natural resources that Texas provides the nation from cattle to oil. Puerto Rico? Not so much. If a President that is elected for his business savvy rather than his political knowledge, ethics, or policy then what could we truly expect from him as a response? Puerto Rico is likely not viewed by Trump as an asset. He has been establishing lavish real estate developments for decades. How many of them are in Puerto Rico? None. How many of them are in Texas? Zero. So we can't say he has a monetary obligation to Houston but we can say that the way in which he has been handling Hurricane Maria differs drastically from his prompt attention to Hurricane Harvey and Irma. An effort to determine the true reasoning for that should still be pushed, however the fact that help has been limited to the point of non-existence is a fact that cannot be ignored or brushed aside.
There may be details that I am missing, but where there is smoke there is fire and the Trump administration can no longer placate citizens of the United States with "fake news" claims and calculated distractions (why do we care about athletes kneeling in protest when we have an impending war and an entire island of people in desperate need?). 

As much as I enjoy the SNL parodies of Donald Trump, a part of me can't wait for the day when they are no longer relevant as this Presidency will come to its conclusion and we can attempt to move forward from the landslide move backward that this nation has taken. 

Also, if you haven't seen the Saturday Night Live sketch, take a moment and watch it


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