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The Freedom of Forgiveness : Are You the Cause of Your Pain?

 He assaulted me at gunpoint. I never imagined his capacity for evil until that moment. At the time I felt helpless and it frightened me. You never realize the capacity of someone else's power until they reign over you. I was unable to make choices, and I thought he was an ally and quickly realized that if I didn't submit to his will he would assume the role of enemy with little warning. 

That was about seven years ago. It's interesting how it's said that seven is the divine number symbolizing completion because it took me about seven years to forgive the person who took my choice away that night. 

It's difficult for me to share this, not because I suppress it or haven't confronted it. It's difficult for me to share this because I have children and I've not even shared this with them. I plan to reveal this to them, but when it's relevant to their lives as young women. They are still girls. I want to keep them safe, but I want to also equip them with the knowledge of what people are capable of. 

I forgave him, and it wasn't easy.

One may ask why I would forgive someone who violated me. I think the greater question is how do you forgive someone who has committed a cruel violation against you? See, the reason why we should forgive people is clear. You may not agree with me so allow me to explain: 

1. You're Hurting Yourself : This is the number one reason why I believe that forgiveness is important. When you hold on to that person's transgression against you, you are holding on to that person, that memory, and that pain that comes along with it. People often do this with dysfunctional love relationships as well. Holding on to those memories, and that person, be it good or bad hinder you from moving forward in your life. That person has now taken residence in your life and every interaction you have is influenced by this one issue that you won't let go of. You're too busy dwelling on the anger, pain, hurt, etc. to move on to the next phase. Wearing those negative emotions (and if it's love for someone you ought not to love anymore, that qualifies as negative as well) creates layers and layers of baggage. You're clad in an ensemble of "stuff" that you need to get rid of. How can you move freely when you are wearing all of that pain? 

2. The Culprit Isn't Thinking About You: Usually, the person who caused you the pain isn't even thinking about you. Truth hurts but I am here to deliver the truth as I see it. You cannot wait on someone to be sorry to forgive them because the truth is that they will likely never have the wisdom to be apologetic! Depending on the crime committed, one can gauge if the one doing harm is sick or not. If someone is sick, how in the world do you expect them to feel remorse for the harm they cause other people? Be logical! Get out of your emotions. That person is likely living life not thinking about you and you are either foolishly waiting for an apology or even worse, nothing at all. You just want to be angry with them so that in case you ever see them again, you can release years of anger on them. The embarrassing part? They may not even remember what it is that happened. Sick people aren't well enough to have the compassion to apologize or they wouldn't have committed the assault to your emotions to begin with. 

3. You Want Wisdom, RightThere is a certain level of wisdom achieved when you utilize the power of forgiveness. It's a great way to examine yourself to determine what part you may have played in the situation. So I know what you may be asking, "did you play a part in your assault?!" I did. My assault didn't have to happen. While the person was wrong to assault me, I was wrong to interact with an extremely dysfunctional person and I paid a hefty price for it. A person of that nature would never be welcome in my life today however, I was a different woman at the time. Again, I was not responsible for the assault but I played a role because I should have exit stage left long before the incident occurred. Most times, there is a role you played. Sometimes we are victims and sometimes we are volunteers. Sometimes we allow people to abuse us emotionally, physically, or verbally for extreme lengths of times and when we walk away we become angry with the abuser forgetting that we chose to allow ourselves to be abused. You know in your heart if this is your truth. Take the lesson from the situation, tie your laces, and get moving on with your life.  You learned your lesson. Class is over. 

When you put the above mentioned points together and use them to your benefit, you will achieve a freedom you never knew. You will allow ownership for that person's wrong-doing to belong to them. You won't have to carry a memorial torch for the pain they caused you. You will have a fresh outlook and won't have that person be the name no one could mention, or the person you never want to see. You have every right to live a full and happy life and someone else's sickness shouldn't become your plague. 

There is freedom in forgiveness, and if you don't believe me, give it a try.

Be Blessed, 


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