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A Cup of "Tee" For Geeks and Me : Gamer-Geek Apparel

Being a geek doesn't mean you can't be a gamer. I have a friend who is a GeekGamer and will readily inform anyone that being a GeekGamer is the best combination.  So in honor of my pal Anthony, I decided to "pen" a blog post with cool gamer apparel. I admit that I am not big on games, but I can appreciate a cool tee so I chose what I really liked rather than what games are really popular. So let's begin shall we? The DOTA2 Axman Tee  was a cool find. It's kind of difficult to see the artwork but that's what I dig about it. Sometimes I like a tee that looks a bit vintage. Plus, you always know a true fan of whatever it is that you're wearing when they can easily recognize the artwork even on a dark background like this deep heather grey shirt. I found a few other cool tees that I really liked too. 
This Heroes Of The Storm Murkys Pufferfish Tacos   was definitely one of them. I like the color of the tee ( I have a thing for deep grey) and I like the way the yellow pops against it. As much illustration the tee has, I feel like it's not too busy believe it or not. I like the layout. I don't visit but maybe I should check it out and get my daughter onto it. She is definitely into gaming. Seems like Blizzard Entertainment has a few things that she may be interested in. I just want to wear the tees. Hey, don't judge me. I support in my own special ways.
I had to toss in this one for good measure. I know plenty of Dr. Who fans and I did say Gamer- GEEK apparel. While you can catch Dr. Who on the game console, some of my old school fans are still faithfully watching every season. Every Dr. Who fan I know is a geek, sometimes they are gamers too but they all are certified geeks. So I added this tee to spread the fun to everyone. The Dr. Who Tee is a great color because it's not too bright of a red. I noticed bright red tees fade fast and ruin the effect of the image/illustration. The one was a cool find but there are others that may tickle your fancy so be sure to shop around. You may find the perfect tee. If you aren't interested in apparel right now, you may want to check out the 
contests. You can potentially  win a Halo Snowboard and Prize pack . Visit the site for details and test your luck. I never win anything, so I'm not inclined to even try but I may just do it for the sake of my daughter. Christmas is coming. The contest ends soon so be sure to click on the link and check out the details sooner rather than later.
Okay my kinky crew.... that's all for now. Over and out.


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