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Popcorn, Anyone? Celebrity Social Media Fails

Oh Hillary. You were doing so well, preparing us for a valiant stab at President. Some of us anticipated your bid, others hoped you would learn from your last one. Either way, now due to a few deletes too many your actions remain in a questionable status and your popularity may wane rather than increase in your favor. 

But before we point fingers at Hillary, shouldn't we pay attention to other public figures who have crashed and burned on the social media train? Hillary Clinton merely pressed the delete button. There have been a few others who have commit social media suicide. Let's revisit them, shall we?

10. James Franco : Found a fan, took a pic and then flirted with her over social media. She took screen shots and posted it to social media. Instant embarrassment. The end. Oh wait!- She was 17. Okay, now I'm done. 
9.#susanalbumparty ....Why Susan Boyle, why? Read that a few times and you may understand. Where was your thinking cap?
8. Iggy Azalea: After several emotional tirades and an eventual departure from Twitter, she is now being tweeted about for her notorious freestyle fumble where she actually raps heiroglyphics. And people say she isn't talented. 
7. The eternal narcissist Donald Trump retweeted a "fans" comment saying: You are For sUre the Coolest! I thinK YOUr hAterS are JealouS. Hope yOu LikE this! Thanks! Too bad he didn't read all of the caps...
6.Snoop Dog decided to engage in a "Twitter War" with who else? Iggy Azalea. There have been plenty things that he's done that have dropped his stock in the Rap Community but going back and forth 140 characters at a time the Aussi rapper brought lame to new heights. 
5.“I am from every continent in Africa except for one AND I’m from every continent in Europe except for one.”- Raven Symone.  So... I'm guessing she isn't from... Zamunda?
4.Porn Hub decided to honor MLK on Twitter... no, wait for it... by requesting its users only use the Ebony section of the pornography site.  No...still not done. Then, corrected the tweet to say that MLK would have preferred we use the interracial section instead. I don't need a punchline. Pornhub had me covered on this one. 
3.Epicurious suggested cranberry scones in honor of Boston and New England, this came right after the  marathon massacre.
2.Bill Cosby asked people to meme him, and they did. They ditched references to his television show and Jello food items. Instead they blasted him as a rapist. Now that was just meme. 
1. The NYPD launched a hashtag campaign aimed to have people show the wonderful things that the department does for the state of NY. Instead of cats getting coaxed out of trees, numerous images of police brutality surfaced turning what was aimed to be joyful and light into a cry for civil rights. Way to fail #myNYPD, way to fail. 

I usually close my blogs with some thought provoking statement, but I don't have one. I don't want to stop people from failing on social media. One mans failure, is another man's comedic relief. Happy posting! 


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