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Kinky Post: Lil Wayne Does Big Things on Sex Tape

Why do we call it a sex tape? In this digital era nothing is on "tape". Ah, but I digress. Lil Wayne is showing his stuff in an alleged (this is my attempt at legalese) sex tape. Word on the street is that the accomplished rap star has solicited the muscle of his legal team to dole out cease and desist orders for sites that are putting the rappers romps on visual display via world wide web. What does that mean? Members of my Kinky Crew will not be able see even a snippet of the evidence. Honestly, I have no interest in viewing the sexcapades of Lil Wayne, but I'm sure there are those of you who are at least curious to see what all the commotion is about.
It's no secret that Lil Wayne has no issues laying broads down. He has quite a few kids (that he knows of and claims) and has landed some pretty beautiful women throughout the years. However, despite his public love affairs, the rap star seems to be be a fairly private person who only expresses his sexual prowess by way of lyrics and not "tape".
The sex tape in question displays Lil Wayne having intercourse (I feel so matter-of-fact when I use the word intercourse. I think I should try that one over.) The sex tape in question displays Lil Wayne stroking the kinky kitty, hopping on the vaj pad, plunging into punani lake with not one but two women. I believe R&B sensation Usher Raymond was also found in a similar position years back and held his head up with pride as he felt that any man would love to have been in his shoes. I guess having sex with two women is an aspiration of most bachelors... and husbands... and boyfriends, oh and lesbians and bisexuals. I think I covered all bases. I'm all for equal opportunity kinky.
Representatives for the rapper claim that if the ummm... experience was being filmed, Lil Wayne was unaware of it. Well that makes sense. Most times, celebrities have these interesting encounters with groupies and we all know that a groupie loves a souvenir. How else will you immortalize your whoredom? So Lil' Wayne fell victim to his penis and suffered the consequence of two chicks seeking groupie kudos. Or, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they weren't groupies. Maybe they were upstanding women experiencing some good ole kinky fun.
No matter what the situation, I find it unfortunate that in this day in age people are still getting caught up with "sex tapes". Can't we all just @#$% along without the drama behind it? The irony of going after a climax and having the most climactic moment being the distribution of the sexual experience itself without permission is just shameful. If you're into porn, that's fine but all parties should be willing. No one wants to be the unexpected star of an amateur video.
When you trust someone, it's hard to imagine that they would violate your privacy in such a way however when you are a celebrity it's almost guaranteed that someone is waiting for the perfect opportunity to do just that. Word to the wise? Be careful who you strip for. They might just be filming the show.


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