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Tyrone Left A Message... "call HIM!"

Have you ever tried to be civil and the other person still acts like a d-bag?
Maybe they are obligated by the D-Bag Creed to continue to act like a total jackass until communicated has ended. Either way, such dedication even to be a jerk has got to be admired. What's sad is when the person won't apply that dedication and ambition to things that really matter like work, communication, friendship, marriage, relationships, life in general, goals... you know, the little things *sarcasm*.
So, how do we handle the D-Bags? Do we ignore them? Do we grin and bear it? At times we feel like returning each pained encounter with the D-Bag with our own version of D-Bag behavior. Most times we end up more annoyed because our effort to frustrate their D-Bag tactics ends up failing miserably. Normal people just can't go engaging in D-Bag Warfare. It doesn't work. We don't have the stamina or the creativity for it.
My advice for all who are dealing with someone who seems to take joy in making you miserable: IGNORE THEM. The more you retaliate, the more attention they receive. People who are jackasses tend to thrive and act out once they receive attention. Isn't an ass most stubborn when you are trying to control the path he takes? Let a D-bag crash and burn and wash your hands of it completely. I have tons of experience with this and honestly when it comes to authentic, true blue D-bags... I haven't met one worth fretting over.
I remember Erykah Badu's song "Tyrone". She starts off by telling the person how tired she is of his crap... after a strong argument, she concludes with the advice that her D-Bag of a boyfriend should call Tyrone (his friend) so he can help him get his sh*t. Its funny how most people who are jerks target one person and suck them dry of patience, energy and emotion. However, when you try to handle them like an adult and address it, they never in sight. If its a co-worker they are tattling to a superior, if its a boyfriend or husband, they are with that scum bag friend that ALWAYS encourages the worst choices, or if its a friend they are with that other friend that is only good to be miserable with.
I have decided to take Erykah's attitude on the matter. When a D-bag wants to zap you of your energy, tell them to take that crap to "Tyrone". Let him deal with the deal with it. After all, its better him that YOU!


  1. I've had my share of d-bag behavior. You are right sometimes you got to # dismiss them. No negotians.

    1. Absolutely. I don't waste time giving people the chop.


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