After the first confession, the devestation, the tears, and finallly the reconciliation I managed to tolerate my mans cheating ways for almost ten years. The expense of my committment was insecurity and chronic invasion of his privacy. I was a cell phone checking, caller ID scrolling, email hacking wife. It finally got to the point that my husband at the time wondered aloud why I loved to hurt my own feelings by digging for his dirt. "You will always find something." He would say. Later, I wonder the same thing.
Did I really need to confirm what I had already knew? Apparently so. Why did I have this need?
I recall feeling so stealth and slick when I was hacking into his email accounts and tracking his browsing history. However, by the end of my digging, all I found was heartache and betrayal. What I realized was that I didn't need the confirmation. However, I wanted it so badly because I wanted to prove my suspicions wrong. I can tell you that it never happened. Each time I dug for dirt, I surely found it and it did more damage to my ego, self-esteem and marriage than anything else.
I am not saying that if your partner cheats on you, the best solution is to turn the other cheek and hope for the best. If you suspect your partner is cheating, it may be worth it to get some answers. However, once you have confirmed your suspicions for the second, third or even hundredth time, what should be glorified "a-ha" moments are no more than wistful "what happened to the person I fell in love with" thoughts. Sometimes they are "whats wrong with me" thoughts. Whatever the case, perhaps its time to quit trying to discover what is now common knowledge and discover a new partner that is willing to commit solely to you.
I agonized for years over my relationship. I wanted to make it work, but it didn't. However I can't say that cheating didn't start early on in the relationship. By the 4th month, I got cheated on. Now some years later, I could try to count of the episodes I know of, but they all hurt too much and I its far to many to recall.
Sometimes I wonder if I should have let it alone and allowed my ignorance to sedate me to the point of bliss. However, when I think of all the diseases that are transmitted through sneezing alone (lets not even incorporate doing the wild thing) I realize that turning the other cheek was never an option for me. Besides, open relationships are called dating. In my opinion marriage is one on one committment...sans betrayal and disloyalty. And, in case you were wondering what my number one reason for quitting the detective work and ending the relationship was... simply put: I deserve better.
What about you?
I wonder the same.
ReplyDeleteyou definitely deserve better. and im glad you removed yourself from that situation took years to realize but it finally happen and based off your statuses and what i read you seem to be much happier(not that i remember you being sad) i'm just saying. i see the new light in you. hopefully by reading your blogs i can get to know more about you. this is just the start. i also joined today and hope you can read mine as well...and hopefully i can gain more friends as well...
ReplyDeleteis the virgo masochist still blogging? I wonder. I would love to read them. Things are better now than they were back when this was written. I have matured as a person but even better...as a woman. I don't see myself ever being in a relationship like the one I was in. Whenever I speak to him, I can feel the underlying bitterness even through text and I just shrug. I've moved on completely.