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Chronicles of A Clueless Dater: Reality Doesn't Always Bite, Sometimes It Nibbles

I haven't been very aggressive in my quest to find Mr. Right. I've been of the mindset that the right man will just happen to fall into my open arms (or legs... it's been awhile). I envisioned myself as a lonely princess locked away waiting for my prince to save me. So, when I instead received a random email from a man I haven't seen in almost a year it wasn't the scenario I was dreaming of. His email was all of two lines asking me out for movies, a drink or "something". So much for romance. I suppose technology really pits a damper on the fantasies of the hopeless romantic. With a few taps on my keyboard and a wave of my mouse I was on my way to an impromptu date.
I quickly took a shower and let my hair do a wild, wet and wavy thing that took little effort or time. I surveyed my closet and realized that there wasn't one outfit that wouldn't read desperation, prudish, or nonchalant. I opted to wear one of my "uniforms"... you know, the outfits that don't fail. I tossed on some skinny jeans, boots and a layered shirt look. I put on some eyeshadow and got the lip gloss popping. I threw on some accessories and shrugged. I was tired of this look but what the hell; it was new to him!
He picked me up and we hit the road with a movie in mind. I gave him an obligatory my-goodness-it's-been- ages hug and settled into my seat. Often the conversationalist, I couldn't come up with much to say. Instead I nodded my head to Kanye Wests kudos to the douchebags. So much for socializing.
We got to the movie and thankfully it was good enough that we were both engrossed with the film and all pressure to satisfy teenage urges to grope one another weren't an issue. At one point he did lift up the arm rest that divided us and put his arm around me. I happily snuggled into him. It had been a long time since I had been in the company of a man that desired me and I liked the feeling.
After the film, I couldn't suppress my inner harlot and I went to his house. We sat down, sipped moscato and watched a comedy together. It was light-hearted and fun. I ended up leaving at about 4am.
He was a nice guy. However there was no connection. He had a pot belly that could easily rival a woman in her second trimester. His pants were ill-fitting and stubbornly borrowed themselves into the crack of his behind. But, he was a nice guy.
He's since texted me and indicated he would like to see me again. I may take him up on it because it wasn't a bad date. However, it wasn't good either.
I suppose I should be encouraged that there's many fish in the sea... but it doesn't mean that you want to dine on or with everyone that takes a nibble at your bait.
Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck Abbs, very funny post btw!

  2. Cap... I just read this one again. I have been at it awhile now. LOL


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