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The Solution To Resolutions: Unsolicited Advice by The Nappy Haired Diva

I'm guilty of it. I'm certain you are as well. All of us at some point have brought in the New Year with far more than bottles of champagne and ceremonial smooches. We almost always start the year with "the resolutions".
Now I know that I can sometimes be a bit negative. This is something that I came to terms with many blogs ago last year. However, I will not lie to you and tell you that I believe that New Years Resolutions are practical. If anything, all that they seem to do is create a false start. Much like a track runner, we get down and crouch low to the asphalt waiting for the sharp pop of the gun shot. Then we take off running the twelve month race into the next New Year; our resolution batton in tow. As we sprint through the first lap, by the second we are already on the road to defeat, panting through the next only to realize that we started running way before the gun was even fired. By the end of the race to the following year, we have a new list of resolutions which is a modified version of the previous one. In other words, we aim for the unattainable and lament the oncoming blow by the harsh hand of reality.
I don't make resolutions anymore. Resolutions held me to standards that I couldn't fulfill making each New Year far more depressing than the one before it.
Once again, this can just be a personal issue but I'm just speaking out to those who share the same feeling. (Is this thing on?)
Rather than make resolutions, I have instead decided to take lifes problems and create solutions. After all, it doesn't take the first day of the New Year to set a goal or solve a problem. We just choose to do things that way for the sake of tradition. I'm not the most traditional gal out there so my approach seems to have been working thus far. Those of you who are a part of my quirky creed please do give it a try!
Speaking of quirky brilliance (yeah, the brilliance part was totally intentional and unapologetic)...One of my favorite artists is Prince. I love that he pioneered a genre of music unlike any one else to date. I remember watching "Purple Rain" and reading the credits. Just about every song on that movie's sound track was written and performed by Prince and the Revolution. What a fitting name for his group... "The Revolution" ( I have the urge give my arms a slow mystical wave as I say that).
I want to pioneer a new way of living, and rather than do so with a firm decision to cut red meat out of my diet on the 1st day of the New Year, I would much rather make a continuous effort to change things in my life. I want to evolve not live the first twenty days of the year saying "hold the mayo", or some other silly phrase that is now associated with a resolution.
Life is full of twists and turns. To decide to continuously stop or start something going forward is no easy feat. Rather than set yourself up for failure or possibly the task of a lifetime, figure out a way to your own pace. Don't let Jan 1 be the catalyst for your moral alarm clock to ring.
Thats all folks! Happy New Year
- The Princess and the Resolution.


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