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Spring Cleaning...

My mother is from Trinidad, W.I. Being raised by a Caribbean mother is unique. There are inside jokes that my only fellow W.I.-Americans (or First Generation Yankees) can appreciate. One of those things are the amount of fuss that is created over cleaning. In a Caribbean household, cleaning is a BIG deal but there are two specific cleanings that have plagued my life since I can remember: Holiday Cleaning and Spring Cleaning.
Thankfully I have survived the holidays however Spring Cleaning is now here and my mother is buzzing about the house shaking her head disdainfully as she tears down curtains, and tossing just about any and everything into a thick black garbage bag.
Typically, I try to stay out of my mother's way. I hide until she is done. My mother is almost always angry while she cleans and even if I took the initiative to clean something she would come behind me only to clean it all over again to her liking.
This year however, I have my own bit of spring cleaning to do.
By finalizing my divorce, landing a new gig, and completing a novel that took me three years to write one can say that I have cleaned up my life quite a bit. However, I feel far from "cleaned up". I still have 30lbs that I would like to get rid of, a lot of emotional baggage from over a decade of heartache from a bad romance, a need for my own space (living with mom after the separation is a God-send, but its time to move on),and I have certainly drifted from my spirituality.
So, I have decided to do a cleanse. Its more than some weight loss-pristine colon-clear skin cleanse. Its an opportunity for me to stay away from things that I have went to in the past to comfort me through my grief.
I have learned that pizza, cupcakes, gummy bears and just about any other junk food has been a source of comfort for me when Im feeling less than enthused about my life. I have also learned that I have no patience and I am constantly seeking a quick fix for everything. This totally affects my ability to endure anything long-term. So now I am planning to fast from the things that weaken me. I intend to stick to this fast for at least 7 weeks (7 being symbolic of completion). Today starts week one.
No more alcohol. No more cupcakes. No more gummy bears. No more fries, chips, burgers, pizza. I need a clean body.
No more complaining, no more depression, no more dwelling on the past.
I need a positive outlook.
I will also be reading my bible more, just to stay grounded. I need that more than anything.
I plan to blog at least weekly to keep track of my cleanse. More to come...


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