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Why Can't I Like You?

They are smart (enough). Good looking (enough). Sweet (enough). Established (enough)... and you can't like them. You don't know why but there is something that is missing. Or something is there and it does the opposite of making you want to jump their bones, or fall in love, or take the leap or whatever cliche terms we have come up with to mean "be really interested."
WHY? Why is it that we can't like the person that is the most logical to like? Why can't love and logic fellowship with one another and frolic toward the sunset in a land of love and common sense?
Just about every man that has made sense to be with is the man that I didn't want, couldn't stand or couldn't make it work with. Oh, but bring me Captain Dbag, Sir WasteTime A lot, or King Idiot and you have to pick my tongue up off the floor.
I have tried. I have psyched myself out on many occasion. I have done some crazy things to try to be into someone. I have had sex with my eyes closed. I have told someone how cute they were thinking that I would eventually believe the words coming out of my mouth. I would say to all my friends "he's a good guy" as if I were programmed. But at the end of the day, whether they were cute, or were smart or were good... I wouldn't like them. I don't know why. Wait, I do! I'm a jacked up chick. That's why. I need to sit on someone's couch and figure out why I am making these horrendous decisions.
I like to say I'm good at being bad. Initially it was a joke with some flirtatious hidden meaning. Now, I think it's just the facts. I'm good at being a bad decision maker. If you want to ruin your life, ask me how. I've got bad under lock and key. 


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