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So, I met a guy... Don't roll your eyes yet. He's normal. I say he's normal because he's honest enough to show me how weird he is. Therefore, there won't be many surprises in my future.
We had been friends for a long time, with the friendship progressing nowhere past maybe two lunch dates, and several emails.
Fast forward, we start chatting and flirting via text. Its light at first, then it gets heavy. We are having a grand old time. Still, talk is cheap so I don't allow myself to believe much more than the reality of what is happening between us. We are two people who flirt with one another.
We fell off again.. something that occurs frequently with me because I have relationship ADD. Its just hard for me to maintain interest in anyone for extended periods. One really has to capture and hold my attention otherwise I'm like a cat with a new toy. I paw at everything. This time, he captures my attention in a BIG way. He send me an eye-catching picture that was jaw-dropping. After healing from the rug burn on my jaw, I began to pay attention. He has held my attention since. I'm pretty impressed.
Okay, fast forward to a weekend of dating. We had a great time, we chatted, we laughed, we came we saw, we conquered yadda yadda yadda. He left. I missed him, I recovered. He came back. I decided to pay him a visit.
First, I left the house at 10:30pm... this is the eve of booty call hours. I knew this, but I didn't care (when do I ever?).
I got to his house and he wasn't there. Anyone that knows me knows that I am about as impatient as they come. He must know me because he kept me entertained by texting me as I waited. That gets a cool point. I began to reach the breaking point and just as I texted him that I was losing my cool, he pulls up. Gravy! We proceed to go into the house... or not. The key isn't working. We are locked out. Did I mention I had a sun dress on and it the temp had dropped to a breezy 60 degrees? Did I mention I am anemic and me and the cold are sworn enemies? I help myself to his blazer. I tried to laugh through the predicatment. I text my bestie for counseling. She tells me to enjoy my time with him. I take a deep breath, and realize that thats always easy to do. We check windows. There is one that is open.
Im in a sundress hoisting myself through a window and screaming like a wuss the entire time.
How old are we again? It felt like High School. As I'm swinging my leg into the house I am praying that I don't inadvertently ruin my fertility by pressing my hoo-ha against the hard plastic rails that glide the windows open and closed. I'm screaming. He's giggling. He hasn't seen my scream before and neither of us pictured the first time would be this way (take that however you want).
We get in the house. We are glad to be in each others company.
I realize I have to really dig this guy because I just waited 30 minutes for him to meet me only to jump through a window and nearly sever my... *cough* you know and I even with all of that, I still want to jump a few other things, and I'm not talking windows.
What happens? More womanly woes, thats what.
So, we settle for just spending time which was just fine with me.
What did I learn? When you're in good company, your threshold for adversity is ten times higher.
I felt like a spy with a failed mission. But he passed with flying colors.


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