"I just don't understand it Kev," Gwen sighed in a peevish tone. "I have talked to, dated, and been in a relationship with at least 20 men over the past three years and I am still sitting here single."

Kevin nodded his head compassionately as he sipped his espresso.
Gwen gave up on her crossed legs and instead pressed them firmly together while tugging at her dress yet again.
She hated being "curvy". She often felt lumpy and wished she were about 15lbs thinner."Maybe it's my size. Maybe men want waifs." she offered.Kevin shook his head and screwed his face as if what she had said was way off the mark.
"Well then what is it?! " Gwen moaned in exasperation. "Why can't I find my guy?" Gwen became frustrated. Suddenly her latte was no longer appetizing. "Why the heck are we drinking hot coffee in the hot sun on a hot summers day, Kevin? This makes about as much sense as my love life."
Kevin laughed.
Gwen sat quietly for a moment. Kevin went back to nursing his espresso.
"I know what I need to do." She said.
Kevin looked up above the rim of his cup inquisitively.
Gwen continued. "I need to find a man who can love with authenticity. The real thing. I need real love." She said with a smile. "I need to move on from my past." she said with certainty.
Kevin downed the last of his espresso.
He loved her.
He wanted her.
But- she would never know because...
she wanted everyone else who didn't.
"That's a good idea." Kevin said.
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