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Confessions Of A Clueless Dater: The Masochist Mating Dance

Why do I keep doing this? I've already said that I quit on love. I took about a year off of dating, an entire year! I sat by myself and attempted to sort out my life's meaning and pursue more tangible goals that didn't involve the ever elusive "real love" that dwells in the habitat of "Dysfunctional Peoplelia".
So! Let's go down the roster, shall we?
Jimmy: That's not his real name, but I never was fond of putting people on front street via blog. Jimmy is 45, has 5 kids and two marriages under his belt. The kids are grown with the exception of the Irish twins who are the same age as my youngest. He is separated from his last wife for three years now and neither of them have made an effort to divorce. I don't know if its laziness, hope, or financial. Perhaps all three? I'm not looking to jump a broom so I don't care very much. He and I hang out, laugh, smooch, and text. However, he is a bit distant. Before you tell me that hanging our, laughing together, kissing and texting doesn't make for distant interaction allow me to explain. Jimmy is lukewarm. So if he were tea I would spit him out. If he were food, I would frown. He can't stay on the course for very long before he is just an absentee suitor. I called him out on it and he assured me that I caught him during a busy week and he is still interested but from my experience a man stays in touch during the busy times as well as the slower ones. That's if he is really into you. Guess Jimmy isn't that into me. Doesn't mean he doesn't like me. Just means he doesn't like me enough to maintain contact while he has a busy week. To be fair, I can be hard to get a hold of when I am getting slammed by my life's obligations. So I kept him in the game. The fact that I could have told him how I felt and he addressed it without any issue, apologized and confirmed his interest is enough for now.
Bob: I'm have a blast with these names. Bob and I go way back. We have known each other since our school years and became better acquainted when we became friends on a social media site (I'll leave the aspiring gumshoes to figure that one out). Anyway, we have flirted and had great conversations but it's all one long road to nowhere. He doesn't seem to have the time or interest (maybe both) to invest in what he proclaims to desire which is a wife. So I entertain him each time he says he is interested but become less and less convinced as time passes by and we are no further than when we first initiated this discussion.
Lucas: He and I went on a meet and greet after chatting on a dating site, he decided we were in different places. I agreed. He wants to marry one day. I can't make up my mind but lean toward "heck no" He wants children and I have two that keep my hands full and therefore will not be actually procreating so any intercourse would be for the sake of "practicing". Despite his finding, he suggests we still hang out. I thought that he offered that option as an obligatory courtesy. When he called me to watch a movie with him, I was surprised. After some heavy petting in the theater, his intentions became clear. What he really meant to say was : "You can't serve a purpose as my woman, but you can still serve a purpose as a source of vaginal access." Yeah, I have to pass.
Jack: Met him on a dating site. He was fun, he was intelligent, he was quirky. I told him I was seeing someone else and he held on and persisted until we met in person. We went out to eat and the conversation was just as entertaining. The attraction was lacking on my part. He gave e a ride home and I gave him a kiss. I wanted to see if a spark can fly ( no more herpes/mono gambles for me. can't do the first meeting kisses).  The sparks didn't fly. He had nice lips but I wasn't in it. I had to retreat.
Since then he has been on my case to hang out, come over, etc. His persistence would be admirable if the feeling was mutual. It isn't. I told him I was at work and he called me. That was the last straw. I blocked him shortly after that. Maybe he wants a girlfriend but for now he seems hard up for something that I don't want to give. When someone feels like a job, I have to retire early on.
Robert: Young guy. It was my first cougarish experience. Ends up that the age difference REALLY matters. Conversation? Lacking. Attraction? Varies. Remember you have to wrap your head around the person being younger and then overcome the lack of mental stimulation. Overall, I gave it a shot but I couldn't do it. I will leave the cubs to the cougars who love them.
Frasier: A night of dancing with some guy turned into an exchange of phone numbers. Now we are scheduled to hang out and do an ice-cream date. He isn't as lively as I am. Seems a bit stiff. Giving it a chance because logically he makes sense and he is attentive. Morning texts, evening calls. He is expressing interest and I notice. Not sure about the love connection. Nice guys really do finish last. Why am I such an idiot?

At this point, I like having options, if that's what you call these people.


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