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Why Hillary Clinton May Lose

When it was between Hillary and Barack for the Democratic nomination I voted for Hillary. I felt that she was more qualified for the position and had a better handle on the issues than Obama. When he beat her out, I swung my support to Barack Obama, because he had won me over with his stance on some issues that concerned me and his campaign made sense when compared to the comedy show that John McCain was running.
I don't know what it is, but the Republican party seems to have a lot of trouble getting their act together. I don't understand why anyone who would want to win a Presidential election would employ Sarah Palin and expect to be taken seriously. I don't understand why a real estate mogul/reality TV star is leading the polls for his party. I suppose there are so few upstanding Republicans that even want to take on the job as POTUS that you have to periodically (and begrudgingly) support a candidate that you don't believe is qualified. I suppose that this is how Sarah Palin's, and Donald Trump's happen.
But Republicans aside, the Democrats aren't bringing it home for me either. I just haven't been feeling the Bern like everyone else and Hillary Clinton no longer interests me as a candidate either. Accepting the reality that this election will likely boil down to The Ignorant One vs. The Sketchy One makes me very disappointed. I'm actually dreading the day I have to go vote for my President.
The fact that these two candidates are the front runners for their political parties makes me wonder who the heck is voting? The same people who sit on juries and make decisions for others LIVES?
Great. Just frikkin great. I don't think this election has a darn thing to do about policy. I think it all has to do with "feelings". This election is more emotionally charged than anything else. That's why I think Hillary Clinton stands a darn good chance at losing. Why?
Age. People that can recall Hillary's history as a First Lady or even recall her husbands political track record are older. He finished his second term in 2001.It's 16 years and 2 Presidents later. Voters that recently become of age have no idea of the nostalgic Clinton era. They were still pooping in their pampers when Clinton was wrapping up his final term. Who's to say that they bothered to follow Hillary Clinton's career since her husbands departure from office? I doubt it. We live in an era where half of these voters were taking the Ice Bucket Challenge just two years ago (many without a clue as to what the challenge was even about) or performing other random challenges that really served no purpose other than to start a viral guilty pleasure. So when you have Hillary Clinton, and a Reality TV star (oh yeah, who happens to be a real estate mogul)...who do you think they are going to vote for? What frame of mind are they going to be in? Policy or Personality?
Money. The Clinton's have money. Democrat doesn't mean broke. However, Donald Trump is a gaudy, puffed up New Yorker. I'm from NY. I know how we do. We talk @#$%. Don't let us actually have @#$%, we will talk the MOST @#$%. There you have it. An obnoxious and unapologetic man becomes a man worthy of following when he is filthy rich on top of it. People envy what they don't have, or relate to what they do. You don't get told "no" a lot when you have tons of money. Trump has money and has made it a focus for a long time. He is all about the Fabulous Life and people want to be led by that.
Sexism. We aren't living in a gender-equal society. Hillary Clinton is a still a woman. The fact that a Black man beat out a White Woman in a Presidential election made me pause. I'm not saying that Obama didn't run an amazing campaign and give great responses to the issues but Hillary ran a decent campaign too. She was also quite knowledgeable of the expectations of the family that lives in that White House in DC. She tossed her hat in the political arena long ago and likely had every intention of running for President when her husband was still President. But despite all of that, it's a Man's world. There are people who won't vote for her just because she is a woman. If you think that people don't feel that way, go find a Trump supporter. There are people out there that feel all kinds of ways about all kinds of things. Even the things  like ways of thinking we would like to believe are dead and buried decades ago.
Absent Voters: If what I hear is any indication of what's to come, I think that there is a large group of people who just aren't going to vote at all. They are so disappointed in the selection of candidates that they want nothing to do with the election at all.

Then, there's me. I'm not interested in Hillary Clinton as my President. I cringe to think of Donald Trump as my President. So I sit here and wonder what the rest of America is going to do, because I have no clue what I'm going to do.


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