Today at work, a man was leaving the building and told me "stay beautiful".
Usually, when a man says that I assume he is giving me a compliment but today I took it another way. After a break up, a break down, and a build up in progress, "stay beautiful" means so much more to me. A bad romance can kill your confidence. Weight gain can kill your self esteem. Working long hours can kill your social life.
Here I was, a complete mess. I felt ugly and if my outside reflected what I felt within, I looked ugly too. Then, he told me to stay beautiful and it all suddenly made sense. Staying beautiful isn't just a compliment a man or woman casually tosses your way. It's an action. Staying power isn't easy. We often see celebrities, whose foundation of fame and fortune often started off with a "look" long before it ended with talent (if at all). That's when the plastic surgery commences. We see the nips and tucks and eventually the disfigured faces and bodies of The Beautiful Ones. Because, in this world, staying beautiful is an ongoing quest. It's not a matter of simply existing. Staying beautiful requires work.
I'm not one for the nip and tucking and if I had the money or the interest, it would come in the form of liposuction and a boob lift/reduction. For me, staying beautiful means maintaining my happiness and all that makes me who I am. That's not easy to do. So many things take us outside of who we are and where we want to be. Life is continuously happening and you have to either hop on and ride it til the wheels fall off or get run over by it.
There are mornings where life has me so beat down that I find it difficult to even put on my lip gloss. There are times that I wonder why he didn't love me or she didn't hug me more, or just how these stretch marks invaded my body. I feel so much less than beautiful. Then, I remember that staying beautiful is more than the lip gloss and stretch marks. It's more than the pain of the past, it's about the constant, and the constant is ME. I will always be me unless I allow people and life to change that. So I work. I work hard to remain beautiful. No one makes me ugly unless I allow it, and I won't have it.
Stay beautiful folks.
Usually, when a man says that I assume he is giving me a compliment but today I took it another way. After a break up, a break down, and a build up in progress, "stay beautiful" means so much more to me. A bad romance can kill your confidence. Weight gain can kill your self esteem. Working long hours can kill your social life.

I'm not one for the nip and tucking and if I had the money or the interest, it would come in the form of liposuction and a boob lift/reduction. For me, staying beautiful means maintaining my happiness and all that makes me who I am. That's not easy to do. So many things take us outside of who we are and where we want to be. Life is continuously happening and you have to either hop on and ride it til the wheels fall off or get run over by it.
There are mornings where life has me so beat down that I find it difficult to even put on my lip gloss. There are times that I wonder why he didn't love me or she didn't hug me more, or just how these stretch marks invaded my body. I feel so much less than beautiful. Then, I remember that staying beautiful is more than the lip gloss and stretch marks. It's more than the pain of the past, it's about the constant, and the constant is ME. I will always be me unless I allow people and life to change that. So I work. I work hard to remain beautiful. No one makes me ugly unless I allow it, and I won't have it.
Stay beautiful folks.
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