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Jack n Coke: Short Story

"Wow, look at her." the older gentleman swiveled around on his bar stool to gaze longily at the brunette with the visibly fake breasts.
"For Christ's sake, she looks like a blow up doll!" the younger man shrieked with forced discretion. Both sat in grey business suits. The older appeared to be a forshadowing of the younger mans future; successful, wealthy, and aggressive.
"Women ought to look like blow up dolls then men wouldn't be so lonely." He now took a slow sip of his jack and coke. Every day at 3pm for 35 years he had a jack and coke. It's a wonder his liver hadn't cracked in half by now.
"Give me one damned woman thats worth her weight in gold and I'd marry her right now." He mused as he slammed his hand lightly against the table. His wedding band clanged hard against the wooden bar countertop.
"You're already married." the younger man said, clearly exasperated.
"Don't remind me." the older one retorted. Leaning back and propping his arm agains the bar, the older man stared at the younger one, his eyes searching."How's Tracy?" He said quite deliberately.
The younger man fiddled with his beverage napkin. "She wants to have a baby." he sighed.
The older man let out an obnoxious cackle. "They all want babies. Freaking life vacuums, I swear." He shook his head in disgust.
The young man frowned."There's nothing wrong with starting a family. I just want to grow in the company." He sighed.
"She's killing you slowly. I'll send you flowers in about 25 years. That's all you got, kid."
"You had kids, how did you survive?"
The old man signaled the bartender for another drink. He wasn't going to answer. He did that sometimes, he just ignored questions he didn't want to answer. It must have been the years of being his own boss. He didn't have to answer to people. Another woman sat down at the bar clad in a tight black skirt and a sheer gold colored blouse. The old man swiveled in his stool once again and gave her an approving grin. She smiled warmly at him and gave him a dainty wave. The younger man laughed. "Why don't you go home and screw your wife instead of looking at women half your age?"
"Who screws their wife anymore?" the older man snapped.
The young man shook his head."You ready to go back?" He asked . The older man downed his drink hastily and spilled the dark liquid on his shirt. "Damn it, don't rush me. See what you did!" he barked and quickly glanced at his crush and flashed her a flirtatious grin. He made time for the important things. She smiled back.
"Get the lady a drink for me." he ordered to the bartender.
The younger man shook his head. "I'm telling mom." he teased.
"Tell her." his father chuckled.


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