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Operation Sexy Back: Day 18

Well, I am a little more than half way done with my 30 day shred. I will not lie and say its been easy. Although I love that its only 20 minutes and I dont have to set aside a ton of time to get an intense workout, there are times its tough to squeeze in. If I spend the night someplace and I dont have the DVD, I miss a workout. If I see my "special guy" I already know there will be no workout because chances are I am getting into the bed with just enough time to get a few hours before work the following day. However, when I do miss a day I double up on the workout so I can catch up.
Workout 1 was really hard when I first started but now I do it immediately after workout 2 sometimes just so I can feel like I am really pushing myself. Workout 2... I dont like it. There are some exercises that are darn near impossible to do and I find myself just watching Jillian do it because my body has resigned itself to a super "hell no". The toughest thing to overcome in workout two for me is any variation of a plank. I dont do polymetrics well so plankjacks are just hellacious for me. Its like dropping down low on the flow and doing the most painful booty pop ever known to women (or YOU doin'?) I always try to pump out twenty-five but most times I end up giving my stomach carpet burn as I flail helplessly on the ground trying to recover. Thank God I workout alone. Its an unattractive sight. Workout 2 also has less modifications so if you can't do an exercise you either push through it or adopt my tummy rug burn method.
Jillians gym bra in workout 2 is a tad loose for my liking and distracts me however her assistants look so darn good that they motivate me to want to push as hard as I can. I will also admit that Jillian looks the least fit of all of them but when she did one move (the double jump rope exercise) she had height that I had never seen before, motivated her viewers while doing them, and had a wicked expression on her face that said "I'm fierce, and don't forget it." Jillian is fit. Don't let the non-contoured abs fool you.
Like the silly fool I am I never took a darn measurement so I have no idea how many if any inches I have lost. I can say that my clothing seems to fit better than before I started but the scale fluctuates. I lose and gain the same 3lbs. I think I will try insanity after this although you may not hear from me ever again as I may die from pain and never post another blog.
What I am enjoying is doing workout 1 after workout 2 and getting through it without much trouble at all. Initially I was panting about six minutes in and now I am doing it after an even harder workout and doing the advanced moves. I still feel the burn but I can push through it quite easily. I think it may be my favorite one.  I'm nervous about workout 3 because workout two is going to last 3 more days and I haven't even mastered it yet. I dont feel ready at all. I may extend the challenge to 40 days just so I have time to truly do all the moves without pausing or getting tummy rug burn.
I guess what matters most is I am on my way to becoming fit and while visually I am a thick, voluptuous Goddess ( no, really... I am) in my mind I am a curvacious fitness machine that will some jiggle in her wiggle but only when she wants to!  Besides, nothing feels better than going to the gym and standing next to the ultra thin girl and realizing her workout is your warm up. HA!


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