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Poochie Wagmore The Real Female Dog (Story 1: Lenny)

I met her back in highschool. She was hot even back then. She had a sex appeal that eluded girls her age. I ached for her for four years. We would flirt, but I never had the courage to take it further. Sometimes I even thought I saw her frown in disappointment that I didnt.
Finally, I saw her on Facebook. Actually I saw her legs. Her profile picture was of her legs! Ends up we had a mutual friend. I immediately sent her a request, but I was going to do it right. I sent her a message too. I kept it casual, I didnt want her to sense my excitement. Hey, how are you? How's life, good to see you, keep in touch. I wanted her to give me the signal, and let me know how she wanted things to go down.
She replied, the next day. Said she was living in New York, had a loft in Soho and was working in finance but had a passion for photography. She was "so glad" to have received a message from me and she looked forward to catching up. So, she's digging me. Looking forward means more, and I definitely want more. We email back and forth and she is LOL'ing and Smiley Face'ing her ass off. She's all over it! So, I go in. I ask her for her number and we get to texting every day. She is telling me goodnight, I'm telling her good morning, we got the whole 24 hours covered. She's witty, pretty and smart as ever but still down to earth. I can still tell she grew up around the way. I like it.
With me living in Philly, I knew that seeing her wasn't going to come easy. Its been years and text and some facebook messages don't make for really knowing someone. I'm hoping she's as open-minded as she says because I cant take it anymore. I want her like yesterday. No, damn that. I want her like twelve years ago and I'm going to have her. She wants me to!
I was smooth. It was a Wednesday. I remember it clearly, I actually took lunch away from my desk for a change and I was standing outside my building holding my cell to my right ear and plugging my left ear so I can hear better. Philadelphia traffic hated me that day. She picked up on the second ring. She was whispering. Yeah, she liked me. She was answering my calls at work. I told her that I had a three day weekend coming up and I wanted to swing by and see her. I could hear her smiling. She said that works for her. I told her I knew it was short notice, and I wouldn't be angry if she declined. I gave her an out, but I didnt want her to take it. She again said she would make it work and she'll go over the details with me in the evening. Her professionalism was almost as sexy as she was.
I hung up, floated back into the office, and the rest of my week went by faster than a crackhead on a racetrack. I could wait to see her. I had it all planned out. Dinner, move nights, candles, and gift unwrapped and ready for me. I even considered where else things could go. She was doing well in finance and I was doing well in IT. We could make a heck of a power couple. Images of wine, laptops and satin sheets all danced across my mind. I wondered if she liked football. I was going to lock her down if she liked football.
We kept talking, we were both excited. She was still LOL'ing and I was still supplying reasons to LOL. I liked to keep her smiling. Then came Thursday night. I wanted to hit the road at midnight. I wanted to see her that bad. I waited until about 10am Friday morning. I wanted to shave, take my time packing, you know; make sure I had everything together. I went to the barber Thursday after work and spent my whole evening there just to get a fresh shape up for her. I wasn't going to NY to play games.
I got there a little after lunch and she looked amazing. She was waiting at the front of the building for me. She looked so casual, like she didnt care about impressing me. Her hair was up, her shorts were on, her shirt was faded, but tight in the all right places. She was still bad. She didn't change. The woman was working with a lot. She hugged me and kissed me on my neck. It was quick, but I know what that meant.
I went in and she didnt waste any time. She offered me a drink and before I could finish in about 20 minutes in she had me straddled to her couch. I was surprised but I wasnt upset. I thought we weren't going to get there until tomorrow night. Looked like I was going to get all she had the entire weekend. I said I was surprised, ...but I wasnt upset! I was happy. I had her. I finally got her. She took undid my pants and reached in. I was a rock. No, I was a missle.
She got up after that and sat next to me. She smiled, asked me if I wanted something to eat. I didnt want food. I was in the mood for her. Damn food! I got work to put in. She starts busying herself around the house, scurrying off to do one thing or another. Where's my straddle? Where's my kiss on my neck and lips and..?" I'm confused because I thought she was all about it, and now she was acting as if she had second thoughts.
"So you going home on Saturday?" She said casually as she was looking in the fridge. Her ass. She was making me talk to her ass. What the hell was going on here?
"No. I said I was going home on Sunday." Where the hell is my straddle? Get out of the fridge and quit making me talk to your ass. She stayed in the fridge like she was on an exhibition. It even looked like she was shaking a bit. Maybe it was getting cold in there.
So finally I ask her whats wrong. I ask her why she spend all that time LOL'ing with me and calling me and emailing me and then straddling me just to ask me about going home early. Then she tells me that things moved too fast and she should have taken her time with me.
I dont get it. I finally get to talk to her face to face and her face is red, like she's been crying or something but her eyes are dry as a dessert. I try to kiss on her again, take her back to straddling and she turns me away. She even screws up her face like I did something nasty.
So I get mad. I tell her she plays games and I came all the way there to see her and she is treating me like I found her in the phone book and popped up.
You know what she tells me? She's sorry but I'm small. She said she cant "work with me."
I never in my life had a woman open up her mouth and tell me some crap like that. Whats worse is she was trying not to laugh while she told me. I asked her how she knew what I was and she said she felt it when she was on top of me. She said she can't "work with me." Ain't no woman in this world ever told me a thing like that.
I spent all my time, and gas and months and years wanting this woman and thats what she tells me 30 minutes in after 12 years? Well this is the last she seen of me. That woman is a bitch!


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