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Poochie Wagmore: The Real Female Dog (Serena)

All I needed was a vacation. I didn't ask for much and the least I could do was treat myself. All of my friends couldn't come up with the money so I just let it be. I don't need them to relax, but I do need to relax. Everyone is so free here. Fat girls in bikinis, skinny girls in bikinis... just free.
I decided to choose a spot close enough to the water so I can take a quick dip if I felt like it. I didnt even want to walk. I came to relax. I looked over to my left and thats where I saw them. They looked like they came here often, there was a familiarity that they had with their surroundings. They moved about like they were at home.
I quickly turned away. I didnt want to stare. Moments later I was spying on them again. Two gorgeous women chuckling and sipping drinks. Both had to be in their 3o's, but both looked younger. I knew better though, they weren't spring chickens. They just had "the look". Its the look you get when you're content with your life, when you have time to take care of yourself. I kept telling myself to quit eyeing them but I couldn't stop.
I slowly allowed my eyes to take in their lean bodies, with curves that even a sculptor couldn't achieve. I could see from a distance that they didnt have stubble or rough patches. They looked "kept". I began to examine my own legs which had small hairs peeking from my skin. I was a cactus in preparation for full bloom. My stomach was a soft roll of flesh that sat over my tankini bottom. I immediately reclined in my beach chair and inhaled deeply so my rib cage could protrude a bit. I pulled my sunglasses down from the crown of my head and onto my wandering eyes. Now they couldnt see if I was looking.
I allowed my head to lazily flop in their direction as if I were dozing in the Carribbean sun.
But I
was watching.
They were oblivious to my peeping, and continued on with their laughter and cheer. Two men approached them with drinks and they seemed to accept them but dismissed the men immediately thereafter. I hope they didnt see my scowl.
Finally, I packed up my towel shoved my feet into my flip flops and made my way to another spot on the beach. I came here to relax. 


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