I went to Target and was standing in line watching a woman with a $200+ dollar balance whittle it down to nothing with coupons and gift cards. By the time she was done she had a zero balance. As he scanned the gift cards, she stood with her eyes fixed in a hawk eyed gaze at the register's price display. With each scan, a faint smirk would reach the corners of her mouth and the outrageous sum would diminish steadily. I turned to my mother whose mouth was literally hanging open. You see, my mother prides herself in getting outrageous deals so seeing this Target Coupon Goddess make over $200 in purchases disappear before our eyes was like cat nip to my mom. She was in awe. I rolled my eyes. Partially due to authentic hating and also because I'm impatient and all of those coupons were driving me up a wall. Incapable of utilizing a filter, I asked the Coupon Goddess if she were an extreme coupon enthusiast and she nodded yes in a condescending couponier than thou sort of way. My...
Rants, Raves, Reviews and Reflections... From A Lady With Lots Of Kinks In Her Thinking.