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Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Love Your Single Life

Listen, or in this case, read: Being single doesn't always feel easy. The couple giving PDA shamelessly boasting their love for each other and passionate sex life can make a single person suddenly become quite conscious of their status. Social media is no help either. People post selfies with their significant other and create a parallel universe where every relationship is actually a happy one ( I opt not to believe the hype). 

So why should you be happy to be single? Check out the reasons:

 1. Dating is scary: I don't think I should have to elaborate on this but if you need me to, I will. Online dating is the way most people date these days. While it opens you to a huge population of potential suitors, it also opens you to a huge population of weirdos and d-bags.

 2. There is no chosen one: Once you realize that there is no perfect person. You can quit pining away after the imaginary super model type who has no idea that they are gorgeous, makes six figures, and is an avid gamer that you can still take the company party because they can schmooze in corporate
photo courtesy of A.K. Lovelace
settings and whisper naughty things to you in French, Italian, and Portuguese because they're multilingual too. Bottom line: You aren't chasing a dream like most people are. Being rooted in reality means you have a leg up on most people. You live in reality. Most people in relationships (especially new ones) are in such a state of euphoria that they actually distort their own reality because they are so caught up in the endorphin induced high that is love. Be happy that you aren't under a spell. You see everything as it really is and you don't need a sounding board to know the truth of what is really going on in your life. People are people, and you don't fantasize of glamorize anyone.

   3. You can drop the deuces on drama: That means that you don't have to worry about the headaches of being responsible for someone else's feelings. The baby mamma or daddy drama? Nope, you don't have it. The orgasm that never happens and you   don't want to hurt their feelings and tell them? Nah. The job loss that is breaking your bank? Unh uh. None of it. You can lend an ear to your friends while they complain about all that isn't working in their relationship while you go do an extremely selfish think like buy a designer pair of shoes or take a impromptu vacation.
 4. You have more money to yourself. You can take a trip, make frivolous purchases or hoard your stash until you find something worth spending it on. Either way, you aren't spending money on date nights as a vain attempt to find someone to spend your life (and money) with. You aren't purchasing a new outfit to impress someone with. You aren't incurring more expenses just to split them with someone else who never washes the dishes or leaves crumbs in the toaster. All of your money is your own. There is nothing worse than spending hundreds on dinners and starbucks meet and greets all in the name of finding someone you can spend your life with. When you realize these things, you can appreciate my next point...

5. You stand out from the crowd. You are the one who is available. The one people take notice of while they stare at their significant other and wonder if they made the right choice. You are the sexy single one that people gossip about behind your back and wonder why you are single to begin with. After all, you are hot, eligible, and successful. You have a power that you don't even realize or tap into. Flirt, have fun, and make people wish they knew more about you. While you are busy not caring about being single, someone is busy wondering why you are single! You're a catch. You know it, and others know it too. 

6. You Make The Magic:
You get to decide who you give a chance to occupy your time. Gone are the days where you entertain losers. You can choose who you want to grace with your company and who doesn't make the cut. You aren't obligated to hang out with someone just because they took you to dinner or had sex with you or has the label of girlfriend or boyfriend. You are a free agent, and it's your world.
So pick and choose who you dole out your time and who you allow to spend it with you. When the clock runs out, leave them where they stand and tell them you had a ball.


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