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Dating Without Direction: Pointless or On Point?

I don't know what the heck we are doing.
All I know is I tossed on some leggings, a leopard kaftan top, some booties and hoop earrings. Red lip stick and a smile topped it off. I was "hanging out".
Now going to the movies with someone of the opposite sex that you find attractive... is that hanging out? I suppose it is if you agreed not to date, which is what we did. We met, he asked me to meet and we did. We had milkshakes and conversation and then we went our separate ways. Later we both agreed that we were in different places. He is super single, no kids, and a yoga obsession. I'm super occupied: small business owner, two kids, and wine lover.
But, despite our differences... he said "Let's hang out" and because I have been held captive by my own ambitions I accepted the invitation. Was it nice to chat with man who can hold a conversation? Yup.
Was it nice to sit across from a man I find attractive? Certainly.
Is our interaction serving any point? That depends on how you look at things.
See, while I would like to find someone I can actually see myself with, that's not something that is easily found. Also to be honest, I don't have the time required to actually invest in someone on a serious level. So going out and doing a random movie or dinner is just the speed that I need. I don't feel obligated. I don't feel the need to question his intentions. I just feel like we are two adults "hanging out".
He is a gentleman. He's easy on my eyes. He's smart. He's fun.
That's enough for me right now. When I want more, I know what to do.
For now? I'm doing what brings a smile to my face. Being social, going out, engaging in conversation, dressing up, and feeling like my company is appreciated.

Why is that we often feel so compelled to analyze everything? Why do we need to break down everyone's intention? Why can't we just trust ourselves to know what we want and what we don't? When it's time to pull away from something, you just know.
The old me would have been sorting this entire interaction out, attempting to figure out his intentions and the destination of this interaction. For now, I can just enjoy the interaction.

I used to date with a purpose but by doing so, I extracted the joy out of the entire experience. Time to turn a new leaf.


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