The end for some can be many things. It can be that last time, he or she didn't call you back, or insulted you for the last time, or cheated for the last time, or spent the mortgage payment on their business venture for the last time. Then end is relative... what triggers one to end a relationship may be entirely different from what triggers another. I once read an excerpt from a book where a woman was getting ready for her office Christmas party and her husband who wasn't going and hadn't gone in the past twelve years laid on the bed and watched her get dressed. Finally after she was finished, he made a remark to the effect of her dress being ill fitting and failing to compliment her at all. She snapped on her pearls, said nothing and filed for divorce soon after.
Everyone has a breaking point, its just hard to determine exactly what it is if you are not continuously provoked. It took many years for me to figure out my own threshold for unhappiness. I finally discovered it recently.
What I have noticed is that there is always a person out there that you will revisit a relationship with (even in the form of a fling) just to savor another moment with them. I would love to know what mystical powers these people hold over others that causes us to abandon all reasoning and better judgment for the sake of another moment with someone that you know is no good for you.
It could possibly be the theory of forbidden fruit; going after what you know you can never have. Or it can be a case of temporary insanity (or stupidity).
Whatever that case may be, if you have a Yo-Yo lover, that you can not shake no matter how hard you try, in an ideal situation that person should be your spouse, and shares the same feelings that you do. Otherwise, I would find it hard to believe that anyone would find love, when their affections are misplaced for someone else who comes and goes.
Its an unfortunate revelation that reminds me of my childhood years playing with my yo-yo that would release from the grip of my palm only to return again. There was no telling when the force of gravities hold would weaken and the yo yo would lose momentum and suddenly became no more than a toy at the end of a string... and not much fun to play with anymore.
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