The Big FC: Female Condom Review
My first, and last encounter with the Big FC was when my husband and I were still living together, very much in love and quite open to trying new things. Judging by my situation now (separated, warding off love with a garlic necklace, and stuck in my ways), one could infer it was quite some time ago.

In order to spare you the details and break every TMI rule out there, I will just tell you women (and men) that the BIG FC (pun intended) is a GINORMOUS
Upon giving the FC a try, after a period of prolonged silence as we tried to ignore the awkward feeling of the FC, I was told by my spouse :"get this thing off me". He described it as masturbating in a garbage bag and told me that he never wants to try that (insert expletive here) again.
I had to agree that FC was more effective in killing the mood than capturing sperm.
The Female Condom is supposed to not only protect a woman from STI's and unwanted pregnancy, its supposed to give a woman a sense of liberation knowing that she has an effective contraceptive made just for her. Ironically, with its bulky design and lackluster performance it only shows that we are still a long way off from achieving that goal.
Advice to the ladies, when he says "yours or mine" ...take his.
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