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Go DJ!

This blog is rated R, but if my writing abilites are up to par I may be able to change that to PG 13. I doubt it. Let's stick with the former and not the latter.
I want to talk taboo, I want to get a little crude with just enough discretion to keep you reading... I want to talk about Lewinsky's. Its a sad thing when your name becomes synonymous with a sexual act (or perhaps an accomplishment depending on how you look at it). However, most of us will not remember former white house intern Monica Lewinsky for much else but pulling off risque Lewinsky behavior underneath President Clintons desk.
So, back to Lewinsky's...
When I was a teenager, I remember vowing to my best friend that once I lost my virginity I would do just about anything but allow "that thing" in my mouth. She felt the same. Years later however, I felt compelled to at least give it a few trys and these days, she is a self-proclaimed guru (go figure). Another friend of mine has pretty much kept her vow and refuses to go near one if she can help it.
Being open-minded, I can respect and understand all three of our very different beliefs on performing fellatio.
I once served as a Case Manager at a law firm and we dealt with Reproductive Medicine. A part of our job was to inform women that for a short period they would be required to abstain from sex with their spouses. Many times the women would balk at this information and their husbands would throw hissy fits right there in the midst of our meeting. One of my colleagues rolled her eyes and remarked: "have these people ever heard of giving head?" My neck nearly broke off at that very moment I turned it so quickly. While her solution seemed common sensical, I still found it to be debatable. Not every woman is gung-ho for Lewinskyesque Methods.
I will say that there are some women who are more prone to doing this. I have heard the following statements on performing Lewinsky's:
1) I don't do it
2) I do it but I don't like to
3) I do it
4) I do it, but its just a way to get things started, I never let it reach the finish line
5) I do it, and I love it

Are ladies who refuse to perform fellatio selfish lovers? Surely we all have preferences when it comes to "doing the do", but there is a fine line between giving pause to a sexual act and being prudish.

I'll leave you with this tought: I have a very close male friend that I have known for at least ten years. A pre-requisite for being his woman is learning to Lewinsky on a regular basis. He confessed to me that he simply enjoys the act and he couldn't be with a woman who won't perform for him. Keep in mind that this friend of mine is a catch. On paper, he finanically stable, educated, ambitious, and established. Personality wise? Well he is still quite a catch. However, I have told him numerous times that his need for having his woman engage in frequent "conversations" with Mr. Johnson may be a deal breaker for quite a few women that would otherwise be a good match for him. He, of course refuses to compromise.

So, that brings me to my question: Lewinskys aside, how much are you willing to compromise your sexual comfort for the success of an otherwise compatible relationship?


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