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juice fast: day 5

yesterday was tough. I was surprised because I foolishly believed that since I had been at this for four consecutive days, my will power wouldn't diminish....only increase. This was not the case! I forgot how much I enjoyed my own cooking. So when I did a bbq chicken in my rotisserie oven with balsamic glazed asparagus ans vegetable fried rice...I almost lost it. Once i looked at my meal and realized it wasnt even.remotely cohesive...(half italian influence, asian and american) i came to the conclusion that those foods must have been what i was craving. So dishing the food out for the girls and hearing how yummy it was was no easy feat. I shoved a spear of asparagus into my mouth chewed and savored and then spit it out. I think I wanted to chew. Lol Im learning that this fast is teaching me discipline like i have never learned before. I think i can understand why obese people cant put down a burger or an addict cant reject a cigarette or a hit of whatever their vice is. so here I am on day 5... Wondering if i will plod in to day 7 or extend to day 10. Odays breakfast was a berry smoothie. I juiced: Strawberries Blackberr Carrots Orange Clementines I know this is a sweet one...typically something i would do for dessert and add more veggie to however i still believe that a ton of fruits is better than a cheesecake! What's funny is that all of the thibgs i crave are the things i know i clearly have a weakness for when it comes So i will work on getting over those addictions. I already know that my next journey after this is learning to cook simple awesome food. I want to change the way I eat. So the bottom line dor today is that I am feelibg great, I am not hungry and i am hoping that i will stop this fast when i dimply dont want to do it anymore, nit when i break down or give in.


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