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Don't Hate Me Because I'm Dutiful!

Here's the story:
So, I'm slacking at my part-time job right now and (apparently I have no shame as I typed that without much thought or remorse) part of my daily duties are to turn on the six televisions in the common areas which my boss prefers to have on CNN. After turning the television on, the segment playing caught my attention and I found myself staring at the television screen absolutely engrossed with Rosie O'Donald. Before you toss your hands up and tell me that you're done with me for being engrossed by Rosie, let me explain...
Rosie O'Donald had a heart attack. She took a long time before she even went to her cardiologist or even a hospital. It ended up that she had a blocked artery and it was likely that she could have died. Okay, here's the thing that truly got my attention: She didn't go to the doctor. Why is this such a big deal? Because according to CNN many women suffer from heart attacks and strokes and have no clue until days or even weeks later because they decide against seeking help from a medical professional. Even more interesting is that while women are less likely to seek medical help for themselves they are more inclined to seek assistance for someone else in need.
This really struck me as I seldom investigate my ailments however, I am always urging someone else to "get that checked out". It really makes me wonder about the psychology of women. At the same time of course I couldn't help but wonder how that affects the interaction between women and men.
I have met plenty of women in happy relationships that are exactly the opposite of the women described on CNN. They put themselves first and they scream bloody murder over paper cuts. They usually have some great guy by their side, catering to their needs, and anticipating their emotions. Whenever things get a little dramatic, their guy just shakes his head and smiles almost as if to say "That's my little Drama Queen."
Then there are the Rosie O's. Most of these women shy away from attention, but are assertive and nurturing end up either alone, or with a man who is useless or at least seems that way.
So why is it that women who are assertive and strong are often paired with weak, clueless counter-parts? Why is it that women who are needy and high maintenance end up with the "good guys"?
Perhaps it because we attract our opposites. Or, maybe its because women that are deemed "strong" don't allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to attract a man that would care for them. So instead he goes to the women who NEEDS him. After alll, the Rosie O's don't. Maybe men like to feel needed?
I'm throwing things out there, I truly don't know. The fact that I (definitely being an Alpha Female, go-getter, aggressor, etc.) see women who are opposite to me as "weaker" or "needy" or "high maintenance" says a lot about my impression ...or misconceptions depending on who's asking. 
Being vulnerable may be the dying breed of woman that men are looking for. Being a Rosie O may be the evolved woman, created out of necessity for the dying breed of men.
I am certainly a product of evolution. I'm far from docile, I make it a point not to need anyone if I can help it, and I tend to take my bumps and bruises in stride. Finding someone to handle me with kid gloves will be near impossible as the chances are I would never attract a man like that. I am too strong, and I'm set in my ways. Also, if I were cared for by a man in the way I mentioned earlier, its likely that I would feel insulted. "I don't need you" is a phrase I have used frequently.
Knowing this, I always believed the greatest compliment was to be desired, not needed. When someone needs you, they really don't have a choice in the matter. Its a necessity. However when someone wants you, they can choose to desire someone else however you are the one whom was chosen. However, it seems men want to feel needed instead of wanted. They want to know that they are a necessity in your life, not simply a desire. Women need men and men desire women? Hey, I'm just asking! Don't take this blog as gospel.
I don't see myself needing a partner anytime soon. Its not in my make-up to need people and as much as I would like relax and quit being a Rosie O circumstances in my life won't allow me to "let up". At the same time, I refuse to be with my opposite because nurturing a man to the extent that I already have in the past both disgusts and yields resentment within me.
Saying this doesn't make me feel as if I am better than the woman who knows how to express need.
Honestly, it saddens me a bit. When I have my heart attack, there will be no one like me to take charge and call for help, because we both know I will believe myself strong enough to take it. The truth is, one day... I won't be.


  1. Very thought provoking. The truth is as men our pride/egos demand that we're needed and wanted/desired. Some of the most basic needs of a man is to feel needed, useful and necessary.

    1. I'm still getting the hang of this. Growing up, I had no idea of what a man wanted or needed in a relationship because there was no man present. So I have to figure a lot of this out as I got older and I admit I still need guidance. Hopefully, should I find someone and embark upon a romantic relationship he will be patient with me.


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