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Attention Aspiring Entrepreneurs: The Successful Startup Is An Anomaly

Many of us have had that defining moment, where we contemplate working for ourselves rather than toiling away for an employer.  This idea is typically fueled by the desire for freedom from a myriad of common office issues from paid time off to water cooler gossip. While employees indeed make a company run, it's another thing entirely to run a company.  Being an entrepreneur is not an easy road. 
As an entrepreneur, there is a tremendous responsibility for all aspects of your business from marketing to accounting. The amount of time required to build a business from the ground up will easily discourage most people. If you believe that you're wasting away at a 9 to 5, you will surely rot while building your startup. Every moment will be spent marketing your business, negotiating deals with clients, and if you achieve growth you can count on navigating the hiring process as well. It gets really fun when you have to master the art of payroll. 
So often we see blogs, articles, and emails about successful entrepreneurs who make millions after coming from the most humble beginnings. These cases are the exception and not the rule. Most startups fail. Only a small number succeed and succeed tremendously to the point of becoming news. After all, things are only newsworthy when they are eye-catching meaning, you don't see it often. 
With the rise of big businesses revamping their marketing plans to include digital marketing campaigns, smaller businesses are becoming less visible on social media. If your budget is meager, you will have to find more creative ways to expand your reach so other's may become acquainted with your brand. An abundant reserve for personal savings and business expenses should be in hand well before embarking upon entrepreneurship. 
Becoming an entrepreneur isn't something to shy away from, but it is something to prepare for. It's a competitive market and one must be prepared to equip themselves for all that is needed to increase the odds of success. So before you read another article praising the success of another start-up, do your research. If it were that easy, everyone would make the news. 


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