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Creepy Kinky: Sexy Horror Film Characters

There is something about horror films that demand an element of sex appeal along with the gore. This is why I feel like there is a serial killing necrophiliac way down deep in all of us. We are watching this stuff, right? I take that back. Necrophilia disgusts me but I could come up with a hit list. There is way too much incriminating details within the first four sentences of this post. Time to move on to the subject at hand:
Sex sells, and it always finds it's way into horror film. No one wants to see an ugly protagonist live. We likely secretly root for the death of the unattractive. Don't get all self-righteous. I just type what you think. So here are some of my favorite sexy horror film characters. Hope you enjoyed them too:

Devils Rejects: Baby Firefly. There was an undeniable sex appeal that existed within this cold-hearted killer. It was easy to be seduced and then sliced, or shot into pieces by this beauty. I really can't remember how she killed her victims but I do recall her doing so relentlessly while maintaining a very sexy energy. It was enjoyable in a way that made viewers uncomfortable which is likely just what Rob Zombie was going for. I'll readily admit that there was more gore than what I was used to in Devils Rejects/House of 1000 Corpses only because it was a different kind of horror than the slasher films I was used to. However, I can't deny that Baby Firefly was a pleasant addition to her deranged family and my eyes were glued to the screen. Who doesn't like a good train wreck? Better question: Who doesn't like a good train wreck with a sexy conductor?

The Kiss: Felice. She was trying to pass on a demonic force that was best delivered through the intimate gesture of a kiss. When I saw this film it frightened the crap out of me and I saw it as I was older and still had an appreciation for it's creepiness. The role of the antagonist is played but a woman who is breathtaking and as much as I knew she was taboo, I was completely mesmerized by her just the same. Her eyes were a piercing hue of blue and she had moments of looking completely creepy but the beauty would still shine through. If you haven't seen The Kiss, please take two hours to watch it. It's a treat and a horror film that is a pleasant surprise even though it was made in the 80's.

Interview With The Vampire: Louis. Listen up: It's Brad Pitt before he got old and had a gazillion kids. I love vampire films and Anne Rice has been committed to creating mystical storytelling based on these creatures of the night. In Interview With the Vampire, Louis is the reluctant vampire who is heartless but somehow has a heart of gold. He tries to do the right thing even when he is doing the wrong thing. It's great watching the bad boy who doesn't want to be one. Well, he isn't a boy... or even a man. He's undead. But you will definitely get a kick out of seeing a good looking man do the worst of things. He is tormented the entire film even as he torments others (inadvertently of course). If you want to see why Brad Pitt was a heartthrob for over a decade for all ages, watch this film and your questions will be answered.

Those are my top three in no particular order. Of course there was Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street but honestly, back then I didn't see the light and didn't find him attractive. So I only posted who really seemed gorgeous to me when I initially saw the film. Do you have any Horror Hotties to post? Share it in the comment section with the rest of the Kinky Crew. We want to know about it! 


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