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This Post Is Kinky: Organic Orgasms and Masturbation Makeup

It's happened. You're in the heat of the moment and there is the tell tale popping sound; the latex sling shot that was the sole barrier between passion and pregnancy (and other things we won't mention). Or the stroke was dope until the rain coat decided to slip off in the midst of the downpour.
It's in those moments that one of two things happen: You either pretend that it didn't happen and in the heat of the moment take your chances or you take a pause to strap up and then tap up once again.
Either option isn't ideal. So today, I found the Tailor Fit Condom. For only about $1.25 USD each, you will gain the experience of a jimmy that doesn't shimmy (Oh, I really impressed myself with that one). These condoms which go by the brand name of Sustain are organic, Kosher, and GMO free. I feel like I should wrap my sushi in these things. I haven't found any reviews on these condoms but should you decide to give them a try, I welcome you to leave a review right here within the comment section of the blog. I'm not sure what is in these condoms but according to the maker, they take a lickin' and keep on stickin'. Okay, I admit...that one was just a bit much but I was still feeling so clever with my last pun that there was no stopping me.
Another cool find? Aloe Cadabra Lubricant. This seems to compare to more mainstream brands of lube but is organic, consisting of all natural ingredients. The aloe is meant to soothe as it lubricates. I could have really taken that last sentence far so someone out there needs to be very proud of me. This product had reviews and had a 3.5 out of 5 star rating. Some people really loved it and some people didn't. When it comes to sex, everyone's natural level of lubrication varies. Some people need more help than others. Therefore, it's tough to say if it's going to be a hit or a miss for you however finding out is certainly the best part, isn't it?

The last thing I found isn't organic, but just too good not to mention. This one is for the ladies. Actually in this day in age it's for everyone! YAY! It's a quaint vibrator posing as a lip color case. It's called the Pocket Toyfriend by Babeland and it's adorable...and hopefully powerful too. It has 4 out of 5 stars and is about $22USD. It's a great size for shoving in on your purse (and in other places later) for long business trips or a quick weekend with the significant other if you're into that thing. The site also boasts that it's great for "beginners." I had to laugh at this because a woman who works her way up the ranks may have several reasons that I won't ponder at this particular moment. They come in different colors and have all sorts of cutesy names as if they are not naughty little vibrations of pleasure. All of them are one speed only so it's not too fancy if you have a need for varied speeds. The tops actually vary. I liked this one because it looks like a tube of lip color but there are more interesting tops to choose from to suit your desired stimulation needs. These take 1AAA battery so it won't take much to start you up.
Surprised at this blog post? Well I'm not the kinky diva for nothing! My kinky gifts go beyond my twisted way of thinking, my coily natural hair and the wrinkles in my brain. Kinky can definitely be a reference to sex. If this got your britches in a bunch, check out the sites and get some relief. You're only a AAA battery and a mouse click away! Stay Kinky folks!


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