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Khloe Kardashian: Celebrities Who Are Just Like Us

So, Khloe Kardashian has rushed to her estranged husband's side to be there for him after being rescued from a Las Vegas brothel eh? Surprise , surprise. She still loves him clearly and proceeding with a divorce when her estranged husband is incapacitated seems like the moral thing to do. With the memes that are being circulated lately about Odom's drug habit and saving his marriage by being a junky and sleeping with whores, people have cast  Khloe Kardashian as the village idiot in of  the Khloe-Lamar Love Story. But can we really say anything? Khloe is in the public eye so we all see her idiocy whether she likes it or not, but plenty of us have made similar decisions. We're just fortunate to have our folly concealed behind the lips of faithful friends.
Plenty of women and men have not only endured drug addicts, liars, cheaters, but  left them only to take them back a time or two hundred. This behavior isn't news to us. It just makes the news because we enjoy basking in other people's suffering. Welcome to our effed up society. Cup of tea anyone?
This news of Khloe Kardashian led me to hand pick some other celebrities who have made equally poor choices:

Sandra Bullock: She married Jessie James. If the name wasn't an omen, I don't know what was. Her Jessie James wasn't the famed outlaw, but rather a TV show mechanic who didn't seem the likely choice for someone of Bullocks caliber. However, good girls always want the bad boy and Sandra did well in choosing someone that was really bad. James apparently had a string of affairs for the entire course of their marriage. Bullock didn't leave. She actually stuck it out until she completely struck out when numerous allegations of more affairs came pouring in. Seems like Sandra couldn't take it anymore and decided to cut her ties and leave the dark side. Glad she saw the light.

Eleanor Roosevelt: Umhmm, let's take it there. She was married to her distant cousin FDR and while her husband made significant strides while in office (he led us out of the Great Depression for goodness sake) he wasn't the most faithful husband to his wife. FDR had a lasting love in Lucy Mercer and Eleanor found out all about it. She offered him a divorce, but her husband denied; afraid of the effect it would have on his political career. Eleanor knew her husbands loyalty was one born out of obligation rather than love and she developed a love of her own. Eleanor started seeing Lorena Hickok, an accomplished journalist. Lorena Hickok or "Hick" as Eleanor so affectionately called her exchanged numerous letters with the First Lady that were definitely romantic in nature. Who can blame the First Lady in this love affair? FDR has been suspected to have a few more romps under his belt besides the more popular noted Mercer affair. I suppose her commitment to politics, her children and appearance is what allowed Eleanor to stay, but in this day in age no one would have hated her for leaving.

Robin Thicke: He was an idiot. He had a beautiful and accomplished wife in Paula Patton. I mean, this woman only gets better looking with time. He ruined it all. After being HS sweethearts and married for almost nine years before Patton filed for divorce. Now while we can only speculate on her reason for doing so, one thing we can count on was that Robin was in the wrong. After a shameless attempt to get his wife back I mean an  album entitled "Paula" that didn't fair too well with the ex or the fans, Robin Thicke's career seemed to skyrocket all the way up to super stardom and crash all the way down to douchebag.

In a nutshell folks? Celebrities are just like us, just rich. Don't let the dollars fool you.


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