I bought my first car on eBay. I was trolling about for something that was under $3K (this clearly was many moons ago). I got a white two door dodge neon and felt so proud of myself. When the car was totaled I went right back to eBay to find another one. Honestly, I can't say I have been to eBay in about 7 years.
So what happened to eBay? Was it craigslist? Was it etsy? OMG, was it... me? Had I changed, or had internet shopping changed? I just don't know anymore. From what I've read, eBay is still a huge platform for online buying and selling. Perhaps it just doesn't come to mind when I am looking to buy or sell? I'm really asking here. I forgot all about eBay until my sister told me she found a discontinued version of a perfume I adore on eBay.
With all of the platforms available to purchase items, I suppose eBay is just among the pioneers but not necessarily the leader? Funny enough, I need another car and am wondering if I should go visit good ole eBay for old times sake. Do you use it? If so, what is eBay good for these days? Are people still doing bids or has it changed to a more casual transaction of buying and selling?
God eBay, tell me something good!
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